Features –
NUGAS – a retrospective
Penni Pappas takes a walk down NUGAS memory lane and looks at the issues, identity and cultural challenges members have faced throughout its 40 year existence
Life –
Low budget movie shares the horrors of the Cyprus invasion
John-Paul Hussey reviwes the movie The Palace
News –
Bill to decriminalise use of drugs
The government is preparing a bill that would decriminalise the use of drugs in a bid to help users kick the habit and ease overcrowding in Greek prisons
News –
Decision imminent on taxi owners’ strike
Taxi owners were to hold an emergency meeting last Friday night to decide on the future of their strike
Life –
Love is in the air
Neos Kosmos reader Angela Andoniou tells us how her love really blossomed in Greece
News –
Census 2011 – Make it count
Neos Kosmos provides you with all the information you need to participate in the national Census
Dialogue –
‘C’ for Clinton’s visit to Turkey and Greece
Nick Larigakis looks at the US secretary of state’s visit to Turkey and Greece
Life –
Moving fast in Aniston lane
Jennifer Aniston has introduced her new boyfriend Justin Theroux to her father John Aniston
Sport –
Hoon laws unjustly interpreted by police
The Baillieu Government has introduced a tougher set of laws to discourage hoon driving
A celebration of love and traditions
Neos Kosmos looks at all the traditions associated with weddings