Mate, what brings you back to Australia, is it the Greeks?
A 777 Virgin Atlantic flight! Very nice… Oh, I see what you’re asking! What brings me back to Australia are the wonderful, fun loving fans that I have. I believe that I must be an Australian at heart, for I feel so comfortable here with all of you! You are perhaps some of the greatest audiences I have ever had! Of course it’s the Greeks that keep on birnging me back!!!
What is the difference between Greeks in Australia and those in US/Canada?
About 13,000 miles! LOL We are all from the same mother land… Greece! We share the same language, culture, faith, history and love for our patritha. We also share another common feature… we speak English.
The double meanings of words and the hell that we and our parents and their parents went through, in a wide open society of a melting pot… well, that’s what we all share. We can laugh at ourselves and the hell we went through.
To create the comedy and to bring out the humor in a way that keeps our dignity in check, and to be able to present the humor to a Greek audience in a classy, dignified way, that does not humiliates or undercut us… well, that’s what I’m all about!
Is it difficult?
Yes! But well it worth it… To have children, their parents, grandparents and even great grand parents come to my show is a testament that I’m doing it the right way! I will continue that until I can’t perform any longer!
Have you had kangaroo Souvlakia here?
No, I can’t catch them let alone skewering them!! Just feed me sushi!!
What is your solution to the Greek financial crisis?
I’ve had a Greek financial crisis all of my life! Greece should do what I’ve done all of these years when I was a bit short on money… Go to my mother and father or even yiayia! Yiayia always had a $ 50.00 dollar bill in her bra! That should do it!
What is the best Greek joke you’ve ever heard?
Not so much jokes… but my fathers stories are the best! I think that’s what makes my show special, I was blessed with the ability to tell stories, like my father, and intertwine my humor with these stories to get everyone laughing.
Does your comedy go over well among non Greeks?
I have 2 different shows!
One for the Greeks, that I’m doing presently here in Australia, entitled, “Growing Up Greek In America” and the other show that I do is for ALL GENERAL AUDIENCES. That show is called Basile’s Bare Necessities World Tour.
I perform in Las Vegas, Atlantic City at casino’s, theatres and comedy clubs throughout the United States and Canada. If you want to find out more about my ALL GENERAL AUDIENCES show, go to
Who are some of the bright sparks in Greek comedy coming up?
You’re talking to him!!!
Basile operfoms tonight at the Enmore Theatre for the Sydney Comedy Festival for tix go to: