Some of the best Greek musical talent in Melbourne will be taking part in a special musical in support of Australia’s bushfire victims fundraiser on Friday, January 17.

The Greek Community of Melbourne, with the support of Martha Tsamis, Peter Kalliakoudis and Nick Missailidis,are organising the event and calling on people in the city to show their solidarity and come to Chasers night club in South Yarra where some of the best Australian Greek talent will be performing.

“The Greek community is coming together, to do what it does best, support people where needed. We can all remember the massive fundraising event last year for the Mati fires, we are banding once again to support our follow Australians said Bill Papastergiadis, the president of the Greek Community of Melbourne.

Martha Tsamis of Chasers Night Club said: “Be part of this combined effort and please show your support by sharing our Bushfire Fundraiser. Let’s not forget how the in 2018 the Greek community,  with the initiative and work of Harry and Ross of 3XY , raised over $1 million dollars towards the Mati fires in Greece. Let’s smash that record.”

She added that part of the money raised would go towards helping animals who had survived the fire.

READ MORE: Bushfire appeals: Find out how you can help

The evening will feature an impressive line-up of Greek-Australian entertainers and musicians, such as DJs Nick Missailidis, Lambros, Artie K and Johnny G.

The Spasta Band with Nick M on toubeleki will also star on this special evening.

The MCs for the night will be Melbourne’s finest Con Laz and Peter Kalliakoudis.

“As Greek Australians our commitment to Australia is unwavering. We feel for our fellow Australians in this time of need and it is incumbent on us to assist in any way we can,” said Mr Papastergiadis.

Entrance is $20 per person and doors open at 9pm. For more information telephone 0414 338 009 or to book and find out how you can donate visit: